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Research Article | Open Access

MXene: An efficient hemoperfusion sorbent for the removal of uremic toxins

Tianyi WangaWei GuaLu YuaXin GuobJian YangaXiaoyu SunaJun GuancLin ZhoucChengyin WangaHang Yaoa( )Xiuyun Zhangd( )Guoxiu Wangb,( )
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225000, Jiangsu Province, China
Centre for Clean Energy Technology, School of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Broadway, Sydney, NSW2007, Australia
Clinical Medical College, Su Bei People's Hospital, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225000, Jiangsu Province, China
College of Physical Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225000, Jiangsu Province, China

Peer review under responsibility of The Chinese Ceramic Society.

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MXene, a family of two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides and nitrides have attracted extensive interests for many biochemical applications, including tumour elimination, biosensors, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this article, we firstly discovered that Ti3C2Tx MXene exhibited a highly efficient adsorption capability as hemoperfusion absorbent towards middle-molecular mass and protein bound uremic toxins in the end stage of renal disease (ESRD) treatment. Molecular scale investigations reveal that the high efficiency of MXene for the removal of uremic toxins could be attributed to synergistic effects of physical/chemical adsorption, electrostatic interaction surface of 2D MXene, and transformation of protein secondary structure. 2D MXene materials could be used as a new hemoperfusion sorbent with ultrahigh efficiency for removing uremic toxins during the treatment of kidney disease.


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Journal of Materiomics
Pages 1129-1140
Cite this article:
Wang T, Gu W, Yu L, et al. MXene: An efficient hemoperfusion sorbent for the removal of uremic toxins. Journal of Materiomics, 2023, 9(6): 1129-1140.






Web of Science




Received: 24 March 2023
Revised: 08 June 2023
Accepted: 18 June 2023
Published: 07 July 2023
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