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Research Article | Open Access

Significantly enhanced performance and conductivity mechanism in Nb/Mn co-doped CaBi4Ti4O15 ferroelectrics

Jiageng XuaShaoxiong Xiea,b,c( )Qian XudJie XingeQingyuan Wangb,d( )Jianguo Zhue
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610000, China
Institute for Advanced Study, Chengdu University, Chengdu, 610106, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan
College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China
College of Material Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China

Peer review under responsibility of The Chinese Ceramic Society.

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With the rapid development of high-end industries, the demand for high-temperature piezoelectric materials is significantly increasing. However, realizing the ultra-high performance to meet more applications still faces major scientific and engineering challenges of our time. Here, a new Nb/Mn co-doped CaBi4Ti4O15 (CBT) high-temperature piezoelectric material system of CaBi4Ti(Nb2/3Mn1/3)O15 was synthesized by the conventional solid-state sintering method. The results show that the addition of the dopants tends to break the long-range ferroelectric chain and soften the flexibility of polarization, resulting in more distorted crystal structure and better ferroelectric properties of CBT ceramics. The ultra-high piezoelectric constant (d33 = 26.8 pC/N) is thus attained in CBT-based ceramics with x = 0.12, which is about several times larger than that of pure CBT ceramics. Moreover, numerous nano-sized layered domain structures that lie on the lateral plane of grains are observed in ceramics, with lower domain wall energy and better dynamic features under electric fields, mainly responsible for the origin of enhanced performance. Besides, excess dopants could make the conductivity mechanism of CBT ceramics transform from p-type to n-type, and also result in a shift of conduction relaxation mechanism from defect dipole rotation polarization to electron relaxation polarization. The work not only provides a promising candidate for high-temperature piezoelectric materials, but also opens a window for optimizing performance by tailoring domain structures using chemical modification.



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Journal of Materiomics
Pages 652-669
Cite this article:
Xu J, Xie S, Xu Q, et al. Significantly enhanced performance and conductivity mechanism in Nb/Mn co-doped CaBi4Ti4O15 ferroelectrics. Journal of Materiomics, 2024, 10(3): 652-669.






Web of Science




Received: 10 July 2023
Revised: 23 August 2023
Accepted: 02 September 2023
Published: 13 October 2023
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