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Enhanced energy storage performance in Ag(Nb,Ta)O3 films via interface engineering

Xiao ZhaiaJun Ouyangb,c()Weijie KuaiaYinxiu XuebKun WangdNengneng LuoeHongbo ChengbHanfei ZhubChao LiubLimei Zhenga()
School of Physics, State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China
Institute of Advanced Energy Materials and Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, 250353, China
Key Laboratory of Key Film Materials & Application for Equipments (Hunan Province), School of Material Sciences and Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, 411105, Hunan, China
China Tobacco Shandong Industrial Co., Ltd., Jinan, 250104, China
Center on Nanoenergy Research, State Key Laboratory of Featured Metal Materials and Life-cycle Safety for Composite Structures, School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004, China

Peer review under responsibility of The Chinese Ceramic Society.

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Dielectric capacitors with ultrahigh power density and ultra-fast charge/discharge rate are highly desired in pulse power fields. Environmental-friendly AgNbO3 family have been actively studied for its large polarization and antiferroelectric nature, which greatly boost the electric energy storage performance. However, high-quality AgNbO3-based films are difficult to fabricate, leading to a low breakdown field Eb (<1.2 MV/cm) and consequently arising inferior energy storage performance. In this work, we propose an interface engineering strategy to mitigate the breakdown field issue. A Ag(Nb,Ta)O3/BaTiO3 bilayer film is proposed, where the BaTiO3 layer acts as a p-type semiconductor while Ag(Nb,Ta)O3 layer is n-type, together with the n-type LaNiO3 buffer layer on the substrate, forming an n-p-n heterostructure. The n-p-n heterostructure elevates the potential barriers for charge transport, greatly reducing the leakage current. An extremely large breakdown field Eb~4.3 MV/cm is achieved, being the highest value up to date in the niobate system. A high recoverable energy density Wrec~62.3 J/cm3 and a decent efficiency η~72.3% are obtained, much superior to that of the Ag(Nb,Ta)O3 monolayer film (Wrec~46.4 J/cm3 and η~80.3% at Eb~3.3 MV/cm). Our results indicate that interface engineering is an effective method to boost energy storage performance of dielectric film capacitors.



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Journal of Materiomics
Article number: 100895
Cite this article:
Zhai X, Ouyang J, Kuai W, et al. Enhanced energy storage performance in Ag(Nb,Ta)O3 films via interface engineering. Journal of Materiomics, 2025, 11(2): 100895.
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