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Review | Open Access

Changes in interstitial fluid flow, mass transport and the bone cell response in microgravity and normogravity

Fei Wei1,Kendal Flowerdew2,Michael Kinzel3Luigi E. Perotti3Jackson Asiatico3Mahmoud Omer1Candice Hovell4Veerle Reumers4Melanie J. Coathup1( )
Biionix Cluster, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
Imec USA, 194 NeoCity Wy, Orlando, FL, USA

These authors contributed equally: Fei Wei, Kendal Flowerdew

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In recent years, our scientific interest in spaceflight has grown exponentially and resulted in a thriving area of research, with hundreds of astronauts spending months of their time in space. A recent shift toward pursuing territories farther afield, aiming at near-Earth asteroids, the Moon, and Mars combined with the anticipated availability of commercial flights to space in the near future, warrants continued understanding of the human physiological processes and response mechanisms when in this extreme environment. Acute skeletal loss, more severe than any bone loss seen on Earth, has significant implications for deep space exploration, and it remains elusive as to why there is such a magnitude of difference between bone loss on Earth and loss in microgravity. The removal of gravity eliminates a critical primary mechano-stimulus, and when combined with exposure to both galactic and solar cosmic radiation, healthy human tissue function can be negatively affected. An additional effect found in microgravity, and one with limited insight, involves changes in dynamic fluid flow. Fluids provide the most fundamental way to transport chemical and biochemical elements within our bodies and apply an essential mechano-stimulus to cells. Furthermore, the cell cytoplasm is not a simple liquid, and fluid transport phenomena together with viscoelastic deformation of the cytoskeleton play key roles in cell function. In microgravity, flow behavior changes drastically, and the impact on cells within the porous system of bone and the influence of an expanding level of adiposity are not well understood. This review explores the role of interstitial fluid motion and solute transport in porous bone under two different conditions: normogravity and microgravity.



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Bone Research
Article number: 65
Cite this article:
Wei F, Flowerdew K, Kinzel M, et al. Changes in interstitial fluid flow, mass transport and the bone cell response in microgravity and normogravity. Bone Research, 2022, 10: 65.








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Received: 09 March 2022
Revised: 17 August 2022
Accepted: 29 August 2022
Published: 21 November 2022
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