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Attractions of nematodes to yeasts are influenced by both nematodes and yeasts

Howard Chang,Nicholas Pun,Jianping Xu( )
Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4K1

Howard Chang and Nicholas Pun contributed equally to this study.

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Both yeasts and nematodes are significant components of the soil biomass and biodiversity and fulfil a wide variety of ecological functions. However, relatively little is known about the interactions between yeasts and nematodes, including the potential use of yeasts by nematodes as a food source and potential diseases that these yeasts can cause in nematodes. To begin investigating their ecological relationships, we tested the in vitro attractive ability of representative yeast species on nematodes. A total of 15 yeast strains belonging to six species were assayed for their attraction abilities towards two nematode species. Our results suggest that nematodes are able to distinguish between their microbial food source and yeast pathogens. Furthermore, our analyses demonstrated that host nematodes, yeast species, and in some cases yeast strains all contributed to the variation in attraction abilities. We hypothesize that volatile and/or diffusible organic compounds released from the yeasts are involved in attracting the nematodes. These results suggest the attraction and consumption interaction between soil yeasts and nematodes may be common in the environment. These interactions may be significant in regulating the populations of both the yeasts and their nematode hosts in natural soil ecosystems. The data presented here could also help to develop nematode-based model systems for studying fungal pathogenesis.



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Pages 73-81
Cite this article:
Chang H, Pun N, Xu J. Attractions of nematodes to yeasts are influenced by both nematodes and yeasts. Mycology, 2013, 4(2): 73-81.






Web of Science




Received: 04 April 2013
Accepted: 16 April 2013
Published: 13 May 2013
© 2013 Mycological Society of China