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Diurnal periodicity of conidia of aquatic hyphomycetes in water and entrapment on latex-coated slides in two South Indian streams

Sudeep D. GhateKandikere R. Sridhar( )
Department of Biosciences, Mangalore University, Mangalore, India
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Aquatic hyphomycete conidial trapping efficiency by the banyan (F. benghalensis L.) latex-coated glass slides was tested diurnally (3 h intervals) in the Western Ghats (Sampaje) and west coast (Konaje) streams in relation to abiotic factors (humidity, air temperature and water temperature). The conidial trapping efficiency of latex-coated slides was compared with plain glass slides and drift conidia in water. Three methods of assessment showed higher species richness, conidial richness and diversity in Sampaje than in Konaje stream. In both streams, species richness, conidial richness and diversity in latex-coated slides were the highest followed by conidia in water and plain slides. Three-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in overall species and conidial richness between the streams, sampling methods and time of sampling (p < 0.001). Multiple comparisons by Holm–Sidak test revealed significant differences in overall species and conidial richness between Sampaje and Konaje (p < 0.001); latex-coated slides and plain slides (p < 0.001); latex-coated slides and water filtration (p < 0.001); plain slides and water filtration (p < 0.001). Total species, total conidia and diversity assessed by the three methods peaked during 12 am–3 am in Sampaje stream, while during 3 am–6 am in Konaje stream. Cooler conditions due to relatively low water temperature favoured higher diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes in Sampaje than in Konaje stream. The three methods employed in the present study were not biased towards scolecoid or stauroid conidia. The top five species in both streams was composed of both types of conidia corroborating earlier annual or biannual studies in Konaje and Sampaje streams. Thus, assessment of population of aquatic hyphomycetes using banyan latex-coated slides will be advantageous over plain slides and drift conidia in streams.



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Pages 88-97
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Ghate SD, Sridhar KR. Diurnal periodicity of conidia of aquatic hyphomycetes in water and entrapment on latex-coated slides in two South Indian streams. Mycology, 2016, 7(2): 88-97.






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Received: 30 March 2016
Accepted: 28 May 2016
Published: 20 June 2016
© 2016 The Author(s).

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