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Community structure of endophytic fungi of four mangrove species in Southern China

Jia-Long Lia,bXiang SunaLiang Chena,bLiang-Dong Guoa,b( )
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
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Mangrove forests play an important role in subtropical and tropical coastal ecosystems. Endophytic fungi are widely distributed in various ecosystems and have great contribution to global biodiversity. In order to better understand the effects of mangrove species and tissue types on endophytic fungal community, we investigated cultivable endophytic fungi in leaves and twigs of four mangroves Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Kandelia candel in Guangxi, China. The four tree species had similar overall colonisation rates of endophytic fungi (24–33%). The colonisation rates of endophytic fungi were higher in twigs (30–58%) than in leaves (6–25%) in the four plant species. A total of 36 endophytic fungal taxa were identified based on morphological characteristics and molecular data, including 35 Ascomycota and 1 Basidiomycota, dominated by Phomopsis, Phyllosticta, Xylaria, Leptosphaerulina, and Pestalotiopsis. The diversity of endophytic fungi was higher in twigs than in leaves in the four plant species. Some endophytic fungi showed host and tissue preference. The endophytic fungal community composition was different among four mangrove species and between leaf and twig tissues.



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Pages 180-190
Cite this article:
Li J-L, Sun X, Chen L, et al. Community structure of endophytic fungi of four mangrove species in Southern China. Mycology, 2016, 7(4): 180-190.






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Received: 04 August 2016
Accepted: 04 November 2016
Published: 21 November 2016
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