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Quasipucciniastrum agrimoniae, gen. et sp. nov. on Agrimonia (Rosaceae) from China

Xiao-Hua Qia,bLei Caia( )Peng Zhaoa
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
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A new rust genus, Quasipucciniastrum, typified by Q. agrimoniae sp. nov., is proposed based on distinct morphological characters and phylogenetic placement. This genus is characterised by its uredinial ostiolar peridial cells with rough surface and sessile, multicellular teliospores with apparently thickened apical wall. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using internal transcribed spacer regions and intervening 5.8S nrRNA gene (ITS) and the large subunit (LSU) rDNA revealed that this genus is sister to the genus Cronartium (Cronartiaceae), but morphologically it is distinct from Cronartium in the sessile teliospores that are divided by vertical septa. Morphologically, Quasipucciniastrum should be compared to Pucciniastrum (Pucciniastraceae) in its multicellular teliospores, but they were phylogenetically distant.



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Pages 141-150
Cite this article:
Qi X-H, Cai L, Zhao P. Quasipucciniastrum agrimoniae, gen. et sp. nov. on Agrimonia (Rosaceae) from China. Mycology, 2019, 10(3): 141-150.






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Received: 31 March 2019
Accepted: 17 April 2019
Published: 30 April 2019
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