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Three-dimensional cellular aggregates formed by Beauveria pseudobassiana in liquid culture with potential for use as a biocontrol agent of the African black beetle (Heteronychus arator)

Laura F. Villamizara,( )Gloria BarrerabSean D.G. MarshallaMarina RichenaaDuane HarlandaTrevor A. Jacksona
Lincoln Research Centre, AgResearch Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
Control Biológico De Plagas Agrícolas, Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research, Vía Mosquera, Colombia

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Beauveria pseudobassiana formed three-dimensional aggregates of cells (CAs) in liquid culture. CAs were formed mainly by blastospores and conidia, distinct from microsclerotia formed through adhesion of hyphae. The formation, germination and sporulation of CAs were studied, as well as the pathogenicity of conidia produced from them against adults of black beetle. After 4 days of culture, CAs were formed, becoming compact and melanised after 10 days of incubation. Electron microscopy showed three-dimensional CAs averaging 431.65 µm in length with irregular shapes and rough surfaces, where cells were trapped within an extracellular matrix. CAs germinated after 2 days of incubation on agar-plates producing hyphae and forming phialides and conidia after 4 days. Produced conidia caused 45% mortality of black beetle adults. CAs germination and sporulation on soil were directly correlated with soil moisture, reaching 80% and 100% germination on the surface of soil with 17% and 30% moisture, respectively. CAs maintained 100% germination after 2 years of storage under refrigeration. These CAs could have a similar function as microsclerotia in nature, acting as resistant structures able to protect internal cells and their ability to sporulate producing infective conidia, suggesting their potential to be used as bioinsecticides to control soil-dwelling insects.



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Pages 105-118
Cite this article:
Villamizar LF, Barrera G, Marshall SD, et al. Three-dimensional cellular aggregates formed by Beauveria pseudobassiana in liquid culture with potential for use as a biocontrol agent of the African black beetle (Heteronychus arator). Mycology, 2021, 12(2): 105-118.






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Received: 14 January 2020
Accepted: 06 April 2020
Published: 27 April 2020
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