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Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2, a novel brown rot for endoglucanase: emphasis towards enhanced endoglucanase production by statistical approach

Amisha PatelaJyoti DivechabAmita Shaha( )
P. G. Department of Biosciences, Sardar Patel University, Satellite Campus, Anand, Gujarat, India
Department of Statistics, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India
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Brown rot basidiomycetes are a principal group of wood-decaying fungi which degrade wood cellulose and hemicellulose by the combination of carbohydrate active enzymes and non-enzymatic oxidation reactions. Very scant information is available on carbohydrate active enzymes of brown rot fungi. In this context, present study focused on the production of cellulolytic–hemicellulolytic enzymes from newly isolated brown rot Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2. Under solid-state fermentation using wheat bran as the substrate Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2 was able to produce a maximum of 1391.12 ± 21.13 U/g of endoglucanase along with other cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes. Various fermentation parameters were optimised for enhanced production of endoglucanase by employing Plackett-Burman design followed by Box-Behnken design. A well-fitted regression equation with R2 value of 98.91% was attained for endoglucanase. The yield of endoglucanase was enhanced by 1.83-fold after executing statistical optimisation of various fermentative parameters. The newly isolated Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2 was found to be a potential producer of endoglucanase. Enzymatic saccharification of alkali-treated wheat straw and rice straw resulted in release of 190.8 and 318.8 mg/g of reducing sugars, respectively.



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Pages 325-340
Cite this article:
Patel A, Divecha J, Shah A. Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2, a novel brown rot for endoglucanase: emphasis towards enhanced endoglucanase production by statistical approach. Mycology, 2021, 12(4): 325-340.






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Received: 02 February 2021
Accepted: 13 April 2021
Published: 30 April 2021
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