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Recent Developments in Industrial Mycozymes: A Current Appraisal

Suresh NathNaveen Kango( )
Department of Microbiology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, MP, India
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Fungi, being natural decomposers, are the most potent, ubiquitous and versatile sources of industrial enzymes. About 60% of market share of industrial enzymes is sourced from filamentous fungi and yeasts. Mycozymes (myco-fungus; zymes-enzymes) are playing a pivotal role in several industrial applications and a number of potential applications are in the offing. The field of mycozyme production, while maintaining the old traditional methods, has also witnessed a sea change due to advents in recombinant DNA technology, optimisation protocols, fermentation technology and systems biology. Consolidated bioprocessing of abundant lignocellulosic biomass and complex polysaccharides is being explored at an unprecedented pace and a number of mycozymes of diverse fungal origins are being explored using suitable platforms. The present review attempts to revisit the current status of various mycozymes, screening and production strategies and applications thereof.



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Pages 81-105
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Nath S, Kango N. Recent Developments in Industrial Mycozymes: A Current Appraisal. Mycology, 2022, 13(2): 81-105.






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Received: 05 November 2020
Accepted: 25 August 2021
Published: 16 September 2021
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