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Lignicolous freshwater fungi in Yunnan Province, China: an overview

Hong-Wei Shena,b,cDan-Feng Baoa,b,dDarbhe J. Bhat,,,Hong-Yan SuaZong-Long Luoa( )
College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Dali University,Dali, Yunnan province, China
Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
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Yunnan Province is one of the rich biodiversity hotspots with abundant resources of lignicolous freshwater fungi. A total of 281 species of lignicolous freshwater fungi from 1986 to the present in Yunnan Province. They are mostly distributed in the classes Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes, a few species in the Eurotiomycetes and Leotiomycetes, and rarely reported in Orbiliomycetes and Pezizomycetes. Lignicolous freshwater fungi can decompose lignocellulose substrates and release energy and nutrients, and thus playing an important role in freshwater environment. This study briefly reviewed the biodiversity and taxonomic status of lignicolous freshwater fungi in Yunnan, the ecological functions of lignicolous freshwater fungi, factors affecting community distribution, application status, and research difficulties.



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Pages 119-132
Cite this article:
Shen H-W, Bao D-F, Bhat DJ, et al. Lignicolous freshwater fungi in Yunnan Province, China: an overview. Mycology, 2022, 13(2): 119-132.






Web of Science




Received: 03 January 2022
Accepted: 22 March 2022
Published: 03 April 2022
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