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Research Article | Open Access

Identification and pathogenicity of six fungal species causing canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree in Beijing, China

Meng PanLu LinChengming TianXinlei Fan( )
The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
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Golden rain trees (Koelreuteria paniculata) are largely cultivated because of their important ornamental, medicinal, and economic value. However, they are affected by canker and dieback disease to a large extent. To determine the fungi associated with canker and dieback disease of golden rain trees, isolations were obtained from diseased branches and twigs during 2019 and 2020 in greenbelts and nurseries in Beijing, China. Isolates were identified as six species (Allocryptovalsa castaneicola, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Cytospora koelreutericola sp. nov., Dothiorella acericola, Eutypella citricola, and Peroneutypa scoparia) based on morphological features and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, act, rpb2, tef1-α, and tub2. The results of pathogenicity tests indicated that all fungi produced discoloration and Botryosphaeria dothidea was highly aggressive to golden rain tree. In conclusion, this study explored the taxonomy, phylogeny, and pathogenicity of different fungal species associated with canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree and provided fundamental knowledge to improve disease management.



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Pages 37-51
Cite this article:
Pan M, Lin L, Tian C, et al. Identification and pathogenicity of six fungal species causing canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree in Beijing, China. Mycology, 2023, 14(1): 37-51.






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Received: 02 May 2022
Accepted: 25 June 2022
Published: 05 July 2022
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