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Research Article | Open Access

Optimisation of hypocrellin production in Shiraia-like fungi via genetic modification involving a transcription factor gene and a putative monooxygenase gene

Zi-Min LuRun-Tong ZhangXiao-Bo HuangXue-Ting CaoXiao-Ye Shen ( )Li FanCheng-Lin Hou
College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
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Shiraia-like fungi, which are rare parasitic fungi found around bamboo, play an important role in traditional medicine. Their main active component, hypocrellin, is widely used in medicine, food, and cosmetics. By comparing strains with different hypocrellin yields, we identified a transcription factor (SbTF) in the hypocrellin biosynthesis pathway. SbTF from high-yielding zzz816 and low-yielding CNUCC C72 differed in its protein structure. Subsequently, SbTF from high-yielding zzz816 was overexpressed in several strains. This stabilised the yield in zzz816 and significantly increased the yield in low-yielding CNUCC C72. Comparing downstream non-essential genes between wild type and SbTF-overexpressing CNUCC C72 showed that SbMNF was significantly up-regulated. Therefore, it was selected for further study. SbMNF overexpression increased the hypocrellin yield in low-yielding CNUCC C72 and altered the composition of compounds in high-yielding CNUCC 1353PR and zzz816. This involved an increased elsinochrome C yield in CNUCC 1353PR and an increased hypocrellin B yield in zzz816 (by 2 and 70.3 times that in the corresponding wild type, respectively). This study is the first to alter hypocrellin synthesis to alter the levels of one bioactive agent compared to another. The results provide new insights regarding genetic modification and will help to optimise fungal fermentation.



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Pages 272-281
Cite this article:
Lu Z-M, Zhang R-T, Huang X-B, et al. Optimisation of hypocrellin production in Shiraia-like fungi via genetic modification involving a transcription factor gene and a putative monooxygenase gene. Mycology, 2024, 15(2): 272-281.






Web of Science




Received: 26 July 2023
Accepted: 11 December 2023
Published: 25 December 2023
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