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Call me by your name: Considerations of DNA sequences as types within wider discussions on fungal nomenclature

Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
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This paper discusses the interaction between two substantial debates in taxonomy and nomenclature: The potential introduction of DNA-only types into fungal taxonomy and whether certain species names are offensive and should be changed. It argues that the acceptance of DNA sequences as types will likely lead to a proliferation of eponyms (species named after a person or persons) and that this will render them more likely to censure thus creating a point of instability in the fungal nomenclature. More fundamentally, it seeks to highlight the cultural and aesthetic attraction of names and to promote wider conversation on why we consider the Latin binomial central in our description of species.



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Pages 137-143
Cite this article:
Smith NEC. Call me by your name: Considerations of DNA sequences as types within wider discussions on fungal nomenclature. Mycology, 2024, 15(2): 137-143.






Web of Science




Received: 20 September 2023
Accepted: 11 December 2023
Published: 25 December 2023
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