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Robust and high-sensitivity thermal probing at the nanoscale based on resonance Raman ratio (R3)

Hamidreza Zobeiri1,4Nicholas Hunter1,4Shen Xu2( )Yangsu Xie3( )Xinwei Wang1( )
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, United States of America
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 333 Longteng Road, Shanghai 201620, People’s Republic of China
College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, People’s Republic of China

4 These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Raman spectroscopy-based temperature sensing usually tracks the change of Raman wavenumber, linewidth and intensity, and has found very broad applications in characterizing the energy and charge transport in nanomaterials over the last decade. The temperature coefficients of these Raman properties are highly material-dependent, and are subjected to local optical scattering influence. As a result, Raman-based temperature sensing usually suffers quite large uncertainties and has low sensitivity. Here, a novel method based on dual resonance Raman phenomenon is developed to precisely measure the absolute temperature rise of nanomaterial (nm WS2 film in this work) from 170 to 470 K. A 532 nm laser (2.33 eV photon energy) is used to conduct the Raman experiment. Its photon energy is very close to the excitonic transition energy of WS2 at temperatures close to room temperature. A parameter, termed resonance Raman ratio (R3) is introduced to combine the temperature effects on resonance Raman scattering for the A1g and E2g modes. Ω has a change of more than two orders of magnitude from 177 to 477 K, and such change is independent of film thickness and local optical scattering. It is shown that when Ω is varied by 1%, the temperature probing sensitivity is 0.42 K and 1.16 K at low and high temperatures, respectively. Based on Ω, the in-plane thermal conductivity (k) of a ~25 nm-thick suspended WS2 film is measured using our energy transport state-resolved Raman (ET-Raman). k is found decreasing from 50.0 to 20.0 Wm−1 K−1 when temperature increases from 170 to 470 K. This agrees with previous experimental and theoretical results and the measurement data using our FET-Raman. The R3 technique provides a very robust and high-sensitivity method for temperature probing of nanomaterials and will have broad applications in nanoscale thermal transport characterization, non-destructive evaluation, and manufacturing monitoring.



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International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
Pages 035201-035201
Cite this article:
Zobeiri H, Hunter N, Xu S, et al. Robust and high-sensitivity thermal probing at the nanoscale based on resonance Raman ratio (R3). International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2022, 4(3): 035201.








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Received: 26 November 2021
Revised: 13 January 2022
Accepted: 04 May 2022
Published: 20 May 2022
© 2022 The Author(s).

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