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Research paper | Open Access

Global path planning of unmanned vehicle based on fusion of A* algorithm and Voronoi field

Jiansen ZhaoXin MaBing Yang( )Yanjun ChenZhenzhen ZhouPangyi Xiao
Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
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Since many global path planning algorithms cannot achieve the planned path with both safety and economy, this study aims to propose a path planning method for unmanned vehicles with a controllable distance from obstacles.


First, combining satellite image and the Voronoi field algorithm (VFA) generates rasterized environmental information and establishes navigation area boundary. Second, establishing a hazard function associated with navigation area boundary improves the evaluation function of the A* algorithm and uses the improved A* algorithm for global path planning. Finally, to reduce the number of redundant nodes in the planned path and smooth the path, node optimization and gradient descent method (GDM) are used. Then, a continuous smooth path that meets the actual navigation requirements of unmanned vehicle is obtained.


The simulation experiment proved that the proposed global path planning method can realize the control of the distance between the planned path and the obstacle by setting different navigation area boundaries. The node reduction rate is between 33.52% and 73.15%, and the smoothness meets the navigation requirements. This method is reasonable and effective in the global path planning process of unmanned vehicle and can provide reference to unmanned vehicles' autonomous obstacle avoidance decision-making.


This study establishes navigation area boundary for the environment based on the VFA and uses the improved A* algorithm to generate a navigation path that takes into account both safety and economy. This study also proposes a method to solve the redundancy of grid environment path nodes and large-angle steering and to smooth the path to improve the applicability of the proposed global path planning method. The proposed global path planning method solves the requirements of path safety and smoothness.



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Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
Pages 250-259
Cite this article:
Zhao J, Ma X, Yang B, et al. Global path planning of unmanned vehicle based on fusion of A* algorithm and Voronoi field. Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, 2022, 5(3): 250-259.










Received: 03 January 2022
Revised: 03 May 2022
Accepted: 24 June 2022
Published: 15 July 2022
© 2022 Jiansen Zhao, Xin Ma, Bing Yang, Yanjun Chen, Zhenzhen Zhou and Pangyi Xiao. Published in Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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