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Research paper | Open Access

Analysis of highway performance under mixed connected and regular vehicle environment

Zhao ZhangXianfeng (Terry) Yang( )
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
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This study aims to study the connected vehicle (CV) impact on highway operational performance under a mixed CV and regular vehicle (RV) environment.


The authors implemented a mixed traffic flow model, along with a CV speed control model, in the simulation environment. According to the different traffic characteristics between CVs and RVs, this research first analyzed how the operation of CVs can affect highway capacity under both one-lane and multi-lane cases. A hypothesis was then made that there shall exist a critical CV penetration rate that can significantly show the benefit of CV to the overall traffic. To prove this concept, this study simulated the mixed traffic pattern under various conditions.


The results of this research revealed that performing optimal speed control to CVs will concurrently benefit RVs by improving highway capacity. Furthermore, a critical CV penetration rate should exist at a specified traffic demand level, which can significantly reduce the speed difference between RVs and CVs. The results offer effective insight to understand the potential impacts of different CV penetration rates on highway operation performance.


This approach assumes that there shall exist a critical CV penetration rate that can maximize the benefits of CV implementations. CV penetration rate (the proportion of CVs in mixed traffic) is the key factor affecting the impacts of CV on freeway operational performance. The evaluation criteria for freeway operational performance are using average travel time under different given traffic demand patterns.



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Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
Pages 68-79
Cite this article:
Zhang Z, Yang X(. Analysis of highway performance under mixed connected and regular vehicle environment. Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, 2021, 4(2): 68-79.










Received: 29 October 2020
Revised: 20 May 2021
Accepted: 24 June 2021
Published: 31 July 2021
© 2021 Zhao Zhang and Xianfeng (Terry) Yang. Published in Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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