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Research paper | Open Access

The heterogeneous impact of China–Europe railway express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities

Yanliang Niu1Jin Liu1Xining Yang2( )Chuan Wang1
School of Management, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, China
School of Economics and Management, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China
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The spatiotemporal compression effect of China–Europe Railway Express (CR-Express) can reduce the flow costs of resources between China’s node cities. Additionally, it can break through the limitations of low-added-value marine products, significantly impacting the logistics industry efficiency. However, there are few literature verifying and analyzing its heterogeneity. This study explores the impact of CR-Express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities and analyzes the heterogeneity.


First, this study uses panel data to measure the efficiency of node city logistics industry. Secondly, this study discusses the impact of the opening of CR-Express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities based on the multi-period differential model. Finally, according to the node city difference, the sample city experimental group is grouped for heterogeneity analysis.


The results show that CR-Express can promote the urban logistics industry efficiency, with an average effect of 4.55%. According to the urban characteristics classification, the heterogeneity analysis shows that the efficiency improvement effect of logistics industry in inland cities is more obvious. The improvement effect of node cities and central cities in central and western China is stronger, especially in the sample of megacities and type I big cities. Compared with non-value chain industrial products, the CR-Express has significant promotion effects on the logistics efficiency of the cities where main goods are value chain products.


Under the background of double cycle development, this paper can provide a scientific basis for the investment benefit evaluation of CR-Express construction and the follow-up route planning.



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Railway Sciences
Pages 279-294
Cite this article:
Niu Y, Liu J, Yang X, et al. The heterogeneous impact of China–Europe railway express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities. Railway Sciences, 2024, 3(3): 279-294.








Received: 04 March 2024
Revised: 15 April 2024
Accepted: 15 April 2024
Published: 17 May 2024
© Yanliang Niu, Jin Liu, Xining Yang and Chuan Wang. Published in Railway Sciences.

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