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Research paper | Open Access

Numerical analysis for permafrost temperature field in the short term of permafrost subgrade filling

Yunjia Wang1( )Qianli Zhang2
Railway Science and Technology Research and Development Center, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing, China
Railway Engineering Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing, China
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It is of great significance to study the influence of subgrade filling on permafrost temperature field in permafrost area for the smooth construction and safe operation of railway.


The paper builds up the model for the hydrothermal coupling calculation of permafrost using finite element software COMSOL to study how permafrost temperature field changes in the short term after subgrade filling, on which basis it proposes the method of calculation for the concave distortion of freezing front in the subgrade-covered area.


The results show that the freezing front below the subgrade center sinks due to the thermal effect of subgrade filling, which will trigger hydrothermal erosion in case of sufficient moisture inflows, leading to the thawing settlement or the cracking of the subgrade, etc. The heat output of soil will be hindered the most in case of July filling, in which case the sinking and the distortion of the freezing front is found to be the most severe, which the recovery of the permafrost temperature field, the slowest, constituting the most unfavorable working condition. The concave distortion of the freezing front in the subgrade area increases with the increase in temperature difference between the filler and ground surface, the subgrade height, the subgrade width and the volumetric thermal capacity of filler, while decreases with the increase of the thermal conductivity of filler. Therefore, the filler chose for engineering project shall be of small volumetric thermal capacity, low initial temperature and high thermal conductivity whenever possible.


The concave distortion of the freezing front under different working conditions at different times after filling can be calculated using the method proposed.



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Railway Sciences
Pages 179-196
Cite this article:
Wang Y, Zhang Q. Numerical analysis for permafrost temperature field in the short term of permafrost subgrade filling. Railway Sciences, 2023, 2(2): 179-196.








Received: 06 April 2023
Revised: 16 May 2023
Accepted: 18 May 2023
Published: 06 June 2023
© Yunjia Wang and Qianli Zhang. Published in Railway Sciences.

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