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Research paper | Open Access

Short-term train arrival delay prediction: a data-driven approach

Qingyun Fu1,2,3Shuxin Ding2,3( )Tao Zhang2,3Rongsheng Wang4Ping Hu1,5Cunlai Pu6
Postgraduate Department, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing, China
Signal and Communication Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing, China
Traffic Management Laboratory for High-Speed Railway, National Engineering Research Center of System Technology for High-Speed Railway and Urban Rail Transit, Beijing, China
Scientific and Technological Information Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing, China
Yibin Track, Signal and Communication Depot, China Railway Chengdu Group Co., Ltd, Chengdu, China
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
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To optimize train operations, dispatchers currently rely on experience for quick adjustments when delays occur. However, delay predictions often involve imprecise shifts based on known delay times. Real-time and accurate train delay predictions, facilitated by data-driven neural network models, can significantly reduce dispatcher stress and improve adjustment plans. Leveraging current train operation data, these models enable swift and precise predictions, addressing challenges posed by train delays in high-speed rail networks during unforeseen events.


This paper proposes CBLA-net, a neural network architecture for predicting late arrival times. It combines CNN, Bi-LSTM, and attention mechanisms to extract features, handle time series data, and enhance information utilization. Trained on operational data from the Beijing-Tianjin line, it predicts the late arrival time of a target train at the next station using multidimensional input data from the target and preceding trains.


This study evaluates our model's predictive performance using two data approaches: one considering full data and another focusing only on late arrivals. Results show precise and rapid predictions. Training with full data achieves a MAE of approximately 0.54 minutes and a RMSE of 0.65 minutes, surpassing the model trained solely on delay data (MAE: is about 1.02 min, RMSE: is about 1.52 min). Despite superior overall performance with full data, the model excels at predicting delays exceeding 15 minutes when trained exclusively on late arrivals. For enhanced adaptability to real-world train operations, training with full data is recommended.


This paper introduces a novel neural network model, CBLA-net, for predicting train delay times. It innovatively compares and analyzes the model's performance using both full data and delay data formats. Additionally, the evaluation of the network's predictive capabilities considers different scenarios, providing a comprehensive demonstration of the model's predictive performance.


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Railway Sciences
Pages 514-529
Cite this article:
Fu Q, Ding S, Zhang T, et al. Short-term train arrival delay prediction: a data-driven approach. Railway Sciences, 2024, 3(4): 514-529.








Received: 25 April 2024
Revised: 03 June 2024
Accepted: 04 June 2024
Published: 02 July 2024
© Qingyun Fu, Shuxin Ding, Tao Zhang, Rongsheng Wang, Ping Hu and Cunlai Pu. Published in Railway Sciences.

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