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Research paper | Open Access

Safety of the express freight train running over a long-span bridge

Jingcheng WenYihao QinYe BaiXiaoqing Dong( )
Locomotive and Car Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing, China
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Express freight transportation is in rapid development currently. Owing to the higher speed of express freight train, the deformation of the bridge deck worsens the railway line condition under the action of wind and train moving load when the train runs over a long-span bridge. Besides, the blunt car body of vehicle has poor aerodynamic characteristics, bringing a greater challenge on the running stability in the crosswind.


In this study, the aerodynamic force coefficients of express freight vehicles on the bridge are measured by scale model wind tunnel test. The dynamic model of the train-long-span steel truss bridge coupling system is established, and the dynamic response as well as the running safety of vehicle are evaluated.


The results show that wind speed has a significant influence on running safety, which is mainly reflected in the over-limitation of wheel unloading rate. The wind speed limit decreases with train speed, and it reduces to 18.83 m/s when the train speed is 160 km/h.


This study deepens the theoretical understanding of the interaction between vehicles and bridges and proposes new methods for analyzing similar engineering problems. It also provides a new theoretical basis for the safety assessment of express freight trains.



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Railway Sciences
Pages 469-479
Cite this article:
Wen J, Qin Y, Bai Y, et al. Safety of the express freight train running over a long-span bridge. Railway Sciences, 2024, 3(4): 469-479.








Received: 27 June 2024
Revised: 30 June 2024
Accepted: 02 July 2024
Published: 31 July 2024
© Jingcheng Wen, Yihao Qin, Ye Bai and Xiaoqing Dong. Published in Railway Sciences.

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