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Performance Prediction for Performance-Sensitive Queries Based on Algorithmic Complexity

School of Software, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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Performance predictions for database queries allow service providers to determine what resources are needed to ensure their performance. Cost-based or rule-based approaches have been proposed to optimize database query execution plans. However, Virtual Machine (VM)-based database services have little or no sharing of resources or interactions between applications hosted on shared infrastructures. Neither providers nor users have the right combination of visibility/access/expertise to perform proper tuning and provisioning. This paper presents a performance prediction model for query execution time estimates based on the query complexity for various data sizes. The user query execution time is a combination of five basic operator complexities: O(1), O(log(n)), O(n), O(nlog(n)), and O(n2). Moreover, tests indicate that not all queries are equally important for performance prediction. As such, this paper illustrates a performance-sensitive query locating process on three benchmarks: RUBiS, RUBBoS, and TPC-W. A key observation is that performance-sensitive queries are only a small proportion ( 20%) of the application query set. Evaluation of the performance model on the TPC-W benchmark shows that the query complexity in a real life scenario has an average prediction error rate of less than 10% which demonstrates the effectiveness of this predictive model.


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Tsinghua Science and Technology
Pages 618-628
Cite this article:
Chi C, Zhou Y, Ye X. Performance Prediction for Performance-Sensitive Queries Based on Algorithmic Complexity. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2013, 18(6): 618-628.








Web of Science






Received: 08 October 2012
Revised: 13 May 2013
Accepted: 08 June 2013
Published: 06 December 2013
© The author(s) 2013