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Research | Open Access

Egg investment strategies adopted by a desertic passerine, the Saxaul Sparrow (Passer ammodendri)

Xinkang Bao1 ( )Wei Zhao1Fangqing Liu2Jianliang Li1Donghui Ma1
Gansu Key Laboratory of Biomonitoring and Bioremediation for Environmental Pollution, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Key Laboratory of Sichuan Institute for Protecting Endangered Birds in the Southwest Mountains, College of Life Sciences, Leshan Normal University, Leshan 614000, China
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As one of the reproductive strategies adopted by bird species, variation in investment in egg production and its influencing factors are important and well-studied subjects. Intraclutch changes in egg size associated with laying order may reflect a strategy of "brood survival" or "brood reduction" adopted by female birds in different situations.


We conducted field studies on the breeding parameters of the Saxaul Sparrow (Passer ammodendri) in Gansu Province, China from 2010 to 2017, to clarify the factors affecting the egg investment and reproductive performance of this passerine species.


Our results revealed significant differences in clutch size, egg size and the fledging rate between the first and second brood of Saxaul Sparrows and suggested that this typical desert species allocates more breeding resources to the more favourable second brood period, leading to greater reproductive output. Female body size presented a positive relationship with egg size, and male body size presented positive relationships with clutch size and hatchability. The females that started their clutches later laid more eggs, and hatchability and the fledging rate also increased with a later laying date in the first brood period. With successive eggs laid within the 5-egg clutches (the most frequent clutch size), egg size increased for the first three eggs and then significantly decreased.


Our results indicate that female Saxaul Sparrows increased egg investment because of good quality of paired males and good environmental conditions. The intraclutch variation of egg size suggests that this species inhabiting an arid environment adopts a "brood reduction" strategy.



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Avian Research
Article number: 15
Cite this article:
Bao X, Zhao W, Liu F, et al. Egg investment strategies adopted by a desertic passerine, the Saxaul Sparrow (Passer ammodendri). Avian Research, 2020, 11(1): 15.








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Received: 09 January 2020
Accepted: 08 May 2020
Published: 18 May 2020
© The Author(s) 2020.

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