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Autumn migration of Ospreys from two distinct populations in Poland reveals partial migratory divide

Dariusz Anderwald1,2Łukasz Czajka2Sławomir Rubacha2Michał Zygmunt2Paweł Mirski2,3 ( )
Forest Experimental Station in Rogów, Akademicka 20, 95-063, Rogów, Poland
Eagle Conservation Committee, Niepodległości 53/55, 10-044, Olsztyn, Poland
Faculty of Biology, University of Białystok, Ciołkowskiego 1J, 15-245, Białystok, Poland
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Long-term ringing and telemetry studies show that the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a broad-front migrant following different migratory flyways, depending on the geographical location of their breeding populations. We have investigated two distinct and declining populations of Osprey in Poland, separated by only a few hundred kilometres, and hypothesised they may exhibit two different migration routes. We followed mortality causes, comparing them between migration and stationary phases of annual cycle, as well as between two distinct populations.


Nineteen Ospreys, both juveniles and adults, were equipped with GPS loggers in 2017–2020 in two populations in western and eastern Poland and followed on their autumn migration. We calculated the distance they covered on the migration, number of stopover days, migration duration, daily distances covered and departure dates to compare them between age and sex classes and between the eastern and western populations.


Ospreys from the western and eastern populations showed a partial migratory divide. While the first migrated through a western flyway, the second followed a central flyway, resulting in crossing the Mediterranean Sea in distant passes that affected the distance covered. Annual mortality reached at least 67% in juveniles and at least 57% in adults.


We showed that two distinct Osprey populations in Poland revealed a partial migratory divide, with one covering greater distances over sea and deserts over the central flyway. This might affect individual survival rates and contribute to a steeper decline in one of the populations. In order for this to be confirmed, more individuals still have to be followed.



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Avian Research
Article number: 46
Cite this article:
Anderwald D, Czajka Ł, Rubacha S, et al. Autumn migration of Ospreys from two distinct populations in Poland reveals partial migratory divide. Avian Research, 2021, 12(1): 46.








Web of Science






Received: 31 December 2020
Accepted: 06 September 2021
Published: 15 September 2021
© The Author(s) 2021.

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