An integrated energy system (IES) contributes to improving energy efficiency and promoting sustainable energy development. For different dynamic characteristics of the system, such as demand/response schemes and complex coupling characteristics among energy sources, siting and sizing of multitype energy storage (MES) are very important for the economic operation of the IES. Considering the effect of the diversity of the IES on system reserve based on electricity, gas and heat systems in different scenarios, a two-stage MES optimal configuration model, considering the system reserve value, is proposed. In the first stage, to determine the location and charging/discharging strategies, a location choice model that minimizes the operating cost, considering the system reserve value, is proposed. In the second stage, a capacity choice model, to minimize the investment and maintenance cost of the MES, is proposed. Finally, an example is provided to verify the effectiveness of the MES configuration method in this paper in handling operational diversity and ensuring system reserve. Compared with the configuration method that disregards the system reserve value, the results show that the MES configuration method proposed in this paper can reduce the annual investment cost and operating cost and improve the system reserve value.