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In this paper, an island integrated energy system (IES) combining power, heat and hydrogen (CPHH) is built, and optimal power-heat-hydrogen scheduling is studied under actual plateau meteorological data. Considering the comprehensive demands of residents, an IES including renewable energy sources (RESs), fuel cell, electrolyzer, electric boiler, thermal energy storage device and new energy vehicles is established and operated. In the first stage of operation, according to the prediction of RESs and demands, day-ahead optimization is carried out which aims to minimize operation cost, while electric vehicles (EVs) are considered as special demand response (DR) loads. For the second stage of operation, ultra-short-term prediction is implemented to provide prediction data for model predictive control (MPC), realizing real-time operation. Functioning as a CPHH system, the fuel cell and electrolyzer collaborate to meet various needs of the plateau residential area with high efficiency. In addition, the method and IES structure proposed in this paper is compared with other options.
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