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Numerical simulation of response of groundwater flow system in inland basin to density changes

Lu-lu LI1Chen SU2( )Qi-chen HAO2Jing-li SHAO1
School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences in Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Shijiazhuang 050061, China
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The developmental characteristics of groundwater flow system are not only controlled by formation lithology and groundwater recharge conditions, but also influenced by the physical properties of fluids. Numerical simulation is an effective way to study groundwater flow system. In this paper, the ideal model is generalized according to the fundamental characteristics of groundwater system in inland basins of Western China. The simulation method of variable density flow on the development of groundwater system in inland basins is established by using EOS9 module in TOUGHREACT numerical simulation software. In accordance with the groundwater streamline, the groundwater flow system is divided into three levels, which are regional groundwater flow system, intermediate groundwater flow system and local groundwater flow system. Based on the calculation of the renewal rate of groundwater, the analysis shows that the increase of fluid density in the central part of the basin will restrain the development of regional groundwater flow system, resulting in a decrease of the circulation rate from 32.28% to 17.62% and a certain enhancement to the local groundwater flow system, which increased from 37.29% to 51.94%.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 7-17
Cite this article:
LI L-l, SU C, HAO Q-c, et al. Numerical simulation of response of groundwater flow system in inland basin to density changes. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(1): 7-17.








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Published: 28 March 2018
© 2018 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office