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Hydrochemical characteristics and geochemistry evolution of groundwater in the plain area of the Lake Baiyangdian watershed, North China Plain

Yu-qin ZHANG1,2Guang-wei WANG3Shi-qin WANG1( )Rui-qiang YUAN4Chang-yuan TANG3Xian-fang SONG5
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water Resources, Hebei Laboratory of Agricultural Water-Saving, Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050021, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo-city, 271-8510, Japan
School of Environmental Sciences & Resources, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
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Water cycle and water quality in the Lake Baiyangdian watershed of the North China Plain have undergone great changes due to over-pumping of groundwater and wastewater discharge. In this paper, hydrogeochemical data was collected to analyze the hydrochemical characteristics and geochemistry evolution of groundwater. The study area was divided into two typical parts. One was in the upstream plain area, where over-pumping had resulted in significant decline of groundwater level; the other one was located in the downstream area near the Fu River and Lake Baiyangdian (Lake BYD region). In addition to the natural weathering of minerals, excessive fertilizer was also a main factor of higher ion concentration in groundwater. According to studies, due to good permeability, these regions were easy to be polluted even with deep groundwater depth. However, upstream shallow groundwater and surface water, including lake water, domestic along with industrial wastewater were all sources of present shallow groundwater in the Lake BYD region. Results indicated that anthropogenic activities rather than minerals much matter to the groundwater in these regions. Particularly, wastewater largely decided the groundwater quality, which suggested that the management and restoration of surface water quality was crucial to groundwater protection.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 220-233
Cite this article:
ZHANG Y-q, WANG G-w, WANG S-q, et al. Hydrochemical characteristics and geochemistry evolution of groundwater in the plain area of the Lake Baiyangdian watershed, North China Plain. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(3): 220-233.








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Received: 14 March 2018
Accepted: 22 May 2018
Published: 28 September 2018
© 2018 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office