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Water sustainability model for estimation of groundwater availability in Kemuning district, Riau-Indonesia

Department of Physics, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia
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There are rising interests in the utility of groundwater in various aspects, which is capable of triggering problematic issues. The excessive exploitation for anthropologic uses, without regards to aquifer capacity, will decreases the water table as well as capacity of groundwater in the aquifer. This research was aimed to provide aquifer model of underground water by consideration of various environmental factors, with the propensity of being modeled, in an attempt to predict groundwater conditions in subsequent years. The purpose of this research was to forecast water requirements, availability, as well as three-dimensional model of groundwater depth in Kemuning, Indragiri Hilir Regency-Indonesia between 2015 and 2022. Furthermore, various environmental factors, from aquifer proiles to anthropologic demand, are taken into account in the evaluated model, including water requirements, encompassing recharge and aquifer parameters, which consists of storativity and transmissivity. From anthropologic side are domestic requirements, trade, public facilities, agriculture, and livestock. The results show that groundwater availability in Kemuning is to be safe condition, and average diference is 1.06×108 m3/yr. The coeicient of storativity and transmissivity are 16.514 m2/day and 9897.26 m2/day, respectively, while the average depth was recorded as 2.8965 m to 10.4927 m.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 20-29
Cite this article:
Juandi M. Water sustainability model for estimation of groundwater availability in Kemuning district, Riau-Indonesia. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(1): 20-29.








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Received: 10 October 2019
Accepted: 12 December 2019
Published: 28 March 2020
© 2020 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office