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Migration of total chromium and chloride anion in the Rocha River used for estimating degradation of agricultural soil quality at the Thiu Rancho zone

Jhim Terrazas-Salvatierra1( )Galo Munoz-Vásquez1Ana Romero-Jaldin2
Hydraulics Laboratory of San SimȮn University (UMSS), Cochabamba 2500, Bolivia
Water and Environmental Sanitation Center of San SimȮn University (UMSS), Cochabamba 2500, Bolivia
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The Rocha River is a receptor to receive wastewater from household, hospital and industry, from where contaminants are transported in the river, affecting biodiversity and the ecosystem of the area. In this paper we estimated the maximum transport of total chromium and chloride anion by applying the analytical model of Ogata & Banks (1961), and the results obtained are grouped into three zones: Contaminated, transition, and uncontaminated. The analytical model was applied with 13 samples collected from the river piezometers installed near Rocha, where they are arranged in two lines, i.e. RH-1 to RH-6 as the first line and RH-9 to RH-12 as the second line. The total chromium concentrations range from 0.16 mg/L (RH-1) and 0.11 mg/L (RH-9) at the closest points to Rocha River, to 0.13 mg/L (RH-7) and 0.03 mg/L (RH-12) at the most remote points to the river. The advance of the pollutants does not exceed 50 meters with respect to the axis of the Rocha River.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 223-229
Cite this article:
Terrazas-Salvatierra J, Munoz-Vásquez G, Romero-Jaldin A. Migration of total chromium and chloride anion in the Rocha River used for estimating degradation of agricultural soil quality at the Thiu Rancho zone. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(3): 223-229.








Web of Science




Received: 06 November 2019
Accepted: 19 February 2020
Published: 28 September 2020
© 2020 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office