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Hydro-geochemical evaluation of groundwater with studies on water quality index and suitability for drinking in Sagardari, Jashore

Mohammad Tofayal Ahmed1( )Minhaj Uddin Monir1Md Yeasir Hasan1Md Mominur Rahman1Md Shamiul Islam Rifat1Md Naim Islam1,2Abu Shamim Khan2Md Mizanur Rahman2Md Shajidul Islam1
Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore-7408, Bangladesh
Environmental Laboratory, Asia Arsenic Network, Arsenic Center, Benapole Road, Krishnobati, Pulerhat, Jashore-7400, Bangladesh
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Sagardari union is facing groundwater crisis because of contaminations from agriculture and urban sewage, which bring a considerable change in water quality. In view of this, hydro-chemical analyses were undertaken on 35 groundwater samples and the following hydro-geochemical parameters, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), electrical conductivity (EC), cations and anions, were analyzed. From the analytical results, it is found that pH value was lower than WHO drinking water standard and the middle-downstream portions of the investigation region show higher EC. The piper plot indicates that the groundwater in Sagardari falls in the categories of NaClHCO3 hydro-chemical facies. Higher TH in groundwater was detected, but still in an acceptable range. In addition, salinity and arsenic ratio are higher and moderately higher, respectively. The spatial distribution of Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI) was determined by geo-statistical modelling of Sagardari union. The study provides information and supports the administration which to make better groundwater utilization and quality control in the Sagardari union.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 259-273
Cite this article:
Ahmed MT, Monir MU, Hasan MY, et al. Hydro-geochemical evaluation of groundwater with studies on water quality index and suitability for drinking in Sagardari, Jashore. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(3): 259-273.








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Received: 25 December 2019
Accepted: 19 March 2020
Published: 28 September 2020
© 2020 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office