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Epithelial-mesenchymal transition-related circular RNAs in lung carcinoma

Meina Jiang1,2Shuai Fang1,2Xiaodong Zhao1,3Chengwei Zhou1,3 ( )Zhaohui Gong1,2 ( )
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ningbo University School of Medicine, Ningbo 315211, China
Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Ningbo University School of Medicine, Ningbo 315211, China
Department of Thoracic Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University School of Medicine, Ningbo 315020, China
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The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a highly complex phenotypic conversion during embryogenesis, and is important for metastasis, which contributes to tumor deterioration and poor prognoses of cancer patients. Lung carcinoma has a high tendency to develop the EMT. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are involved in EMT-related cell invasion and metastasis in various types of cancers. Moreover, circRNAs have been found to be a link to EMT-related transcription factors and EMT-associated signaling pathways. This review mainly focuses on the influence of EMT-related circRNAs on lung carcinomas. More specifically, the roles of EMT-inducing- and EMT-suppressive circRNAs in lung carcinomas are discussed. With circRNAs potentially becoming promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets for cancer managements, they will hopefully stimulate the interest of medical workers in the early diagnosis, personalized treatment, and positive prognoses in the era of precision oncology.



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Cancer Biology & Medicine
Pages 411-420
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Jiang M, Fang S, Zhao X, et al. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition-related circular RNAs in lung carcinoma. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2021, 18(2): 411-420.








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Received: 16 May 2020
Accepted: 21 July 2020
Published: 01 May 2021
©2021 Cancer Biology & Medicine.

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