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Review | Open Access

Circular RNAs: new biomarkers of chemoresistance in cancer

Jiaqi Wang1,2Yi Zhang1Lianyu Liu1,2Ting Yang1Jun Song1,2 ( )
Department of General Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou 221002, China
Institute of Digestive Diseases of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou 221002, China
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Chemotherapeutics are validated conventional treatments for patients with advanced cancer. However, with continual application of chemotherapeutics, chemoresistance, which is often predictive of poor prognosis, has gradually become a concern in recent years. Circular RNAs (circRNAs), a class of endogenous noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) with a closed-loop structure, have been reported to be notable targets and markers for the prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment of many diseases, particularly cancer. Although dozens of studies have shown that circRNAs play major roles in drug-resistance activity in tumors, the mechanisms by which circRNAs affect chemoresistance have yet to be explored. In this review, we describe the detailed mechanisms of circRNAs and chemotherapeutics in various cancers and summarize potential therapeutic targets for drug-resistant tumors.



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Cancer Biology & Medicine
Pages 421-436
Cite this article:
Wang J, Zhang Y, Liu L, et al. Circular RNAs: new biomarkers of chemoresistance in cancer. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2021, 18(2): 421-436.








Web of Science




Received: 29 June 2020
Accepted: 27 November 2020
Published: 01 May 2021
©2021 Cancer Biology & Medicine.

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