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Original Article | Open Access

Hub genes associated with immune cell infiltration in breast cancer, identified through bioinformatic analyses of multiple datasets

Huanyu Zhao1Ruoyu Dang1Yipan Zhu1Baijian Qu1Yasra Sayyed1Ying Wen1Xicheng Liu2Jianping Lin1Luyuan Li1 ( )
State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology and College of Pharmacy, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Drug Research, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
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The aim of this study was to identify hub genes associated with immune cell infiltration in breast cancer through bioinformatic analyses of multiple datasets.


Nonparametric (NOISeq) and robust rank aggregation-ranked parametric (EdgeR) methods were used to assess robust differentially expressed genes across multiple datasets. Protein-protein interaction network, GO, KEGG enrichment, and sub-network analyses were performed to identify immune-associated hub genes in breast cancer. Immune cell infiltration was evaluated with the CIBERSORT, XCELL, and TIMER methods. The association between the hub gene-based risk signature and survival was determined through Kaplan–Meier survival analysis, multivariate Cox analysis, and a nomogram with external verification.


We identified 163 robust differentially expressed genes in breast cancer through applying both nonparametric and parametric methods to multiple GEO (n = 2,212) and TCGA (n = 1,045) datasets. Integrated bioinformatic analyses further identified 10 hub genes: CXCL10, CXCL9, CXCL11, SPP1, POSTN, MMP9, DPT, COL1A1, ADAMDEC1, and RGS1. The 10 hub-gene-based risk signature significantly correlated with the prognosis of patients with breast cancer. Moreover, these hub genes were strongly associated with the extent of infiltration of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and myeloid dendritic cells into breast tumors.


Integrated analyses of multiple databases led to the discovery of 10 robust hub genes that together may serve as a risk factor characteristic of the immune microenvironment in breast cancer.

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Cancer Biology & Medicine
Pages 1352-1374
Cite this article:
Zhao H, Dang R, Zhu Y, et al. Hub genes associated with immune cell infiltration in breast cancer, identified through bioinformatic analyses of multiple datasets. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2022, 19(9): 1352-1374.








Web of Science




Received: 23 December 2021
Accepted: 25 February 2022
Published: 22 September 2022
©2022 Cancer Biology & Medicine.

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