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Review | Open Access

Azoximer bromide and hydroxyapatite: promising immune adjuvants in cancer

Jean-François Rossi1,2( )Patrick Frayssinet3Maksim Matciyak4Nikolai Tupitsyn5
Institut du Cancer Avignon-Provence, Sainte Catherine – Department of Hematology-Biotherapy, Avignon 84918, France
University of Montpellier, UFR Médecine, Montpellier 34090, France
HASTIM Inc., Rue de Caulet, Toulouse 31300, France
Petrovax NPO Pharm, Moscow 123112, Russia
Laboratory of Immunology of Hematopoiesis, N.N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center (RCRC), Moscow 123112, Russia
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Immune adjuvants are immune modulators that have been developed in the context of infectious vaccinations. There is currently a growing interest in immune adjuvants due to the development of immunotherapy against cancers. Immune adjuvant mechanisms of action are focused on the initiation and amplification of the inflammatory response leading to the innate immune response, followed by the adaptive immune response. The main activity lies in the support of antigen presentation and the maturation and functions of dendritic cells. Most immune adjuvants are associated with a vaccine or incorporated into the new generation of mRNA vaccines. Few immune adjuvants are used as drugs. Hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics and azoximer bromide (AZB) are overlooked molecules that were used in early clinical trials, which demonstrated clinical efficacy and excellent tolerance profiles. HA combined in an autologous vaccine was previously developed in the veterinary field for use in canine spontaneous lymphomas. AZB, an original immune modulator derived from a class of heterochain aliphatic polyamines that is licensed in Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and Slovakia for infectious and inflammatory diseases, is and now being developed for use in cancer with promising results. These two immune adjuvants can be combined in various immunotherapy strategies.



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Cancer Biology & Medicine
Pages 1021-1034
Cite this article:
Rossi J-F, Frayssinet P, Matciyak M, et al. Azoximer bromide and hydroxyapatite: promising immune adjuvants in cancer. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2023, 20(12): 1021-1034.








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Received: 19 June 2023
Accepted: 24 November 2023
Published: 05 February 2024
©2023 Cancer Biology & Medicine.

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