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Expert Opinion | Open Access

Clinical cell therapy guidelines for neurorestoration (China version 2016)

Hongyun Huang1( )Lin Chen2Qingyan Zou3Fabin Han4Tiansheng Sun5Gengsheng Mao1Xijing He6( )
Institute of Neurorestoratology, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces,
Department of Neurosurgery, Yuquan Hospital, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
Guangdong 999 Brain Hospital, Guangzhou,
Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Affiliated Hospital of Taishan Medical University, Liaocheng, Shandong,
Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Army General Hospital, Beijing,
Second Department of Orthopedics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, People’s Republic of China
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Cell therapy has been shown to be a key clinical therapeutic option for central nervous system disease or damage, and >30 types of cells have been identified through preclinical studies as having the capacity for neurorestoration. To standardize the clinical procedures of cell therapy as one of the strategies for treating neurological disorders, the first set of guidelines governing the clinical application of neurorestoration was completed in 2011 by the Chinese Branch of the International Association of Neurorestoratology. Given the rapidly advancing state of the field, the Neurorestoratology Professional Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association (Chinese Association of Neurorestoratology) and the Chinese Branch of the International Association of Neurorestoratology have approved the current version known as the "Clinical Cell Therapy Guidelines for Neurorestoration (China Version 2016)". We hope this guideline will reflect the most recent results demonstrated in preclinical research, transnational studies, and evidence-based clinical studies, as well as guide clinical practice in applying cell therapy for neurorestoration.


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Journal of Neurorestoratology
Pages 39-46
Cite this article:
Huang H, Chen L, Zou Q, et al. Clinical cell therapy guidelines for neurorestoration (China version 2016). Journal of Neurorestoratology, 2017, 5(1): 39-46.








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Published: 13 February 2017
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