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A Multitime-scale Deep Learning Model for Lithium-ion Battery Health Assessment Using Soft Parameter-sharing Mechanism

Lulu Wang1Kun Zheng2Yijing Li3Zhipeng Yang4Feifan Zhou4Jia Guo5Jinhao Meng3,4( )
North China Electric Power Test and Research Institute of China Datang Group Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100040, China
School of Future Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
National Innovation Platform (Center) for Industry-Education Integration of Energy Storage Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
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Graphical Abstract

Efficient assessment of battery degradation is important to effectively utilize and maintain battery management systems. This study introduces an innovative residual convolutional network (RCN)-gated recurrent unit (GRU) model to accurately assess health of lithium-ion batteries on multiple time scales. The model employs a soft parameter-sharing mechanism to identify both short- and long-term degradation patterns. The continuously looped Q(V), T(V), dQ dV, and dT dV are extracted to form a four-channel image, from which the RCN can automatically extract the features and the GRU can capture the temporal features. By designing a soft parameter-sharing mechanism, the model can seamlessly predict the capacity and remaining useful life (RUL) on a dual time scale. The proposed method is validated on a large MIT-Stanford dataset comprising 124 cells, showing a high accuracy in terms of mean absolute errors of 0.00477 for capacity and 83 for RUL. Furthermore, studying the partial voltage fragment reveals the promising performance of the proposed method across various voltage ranges. Specifically, in the partial voltage segment of 2.8-3.2 V, root mean square errors of 0.0107 for capacity and 140 for RUL are achieved.


Efficient assessment of battery degradation is important to effectively utilize and maintain battery management systems. This study introduces an innovative residual convolutional network (RCN)-gated recurrent unit (GRU) model to accurately assess health of lithium-ion batteries on multiple time scales. The model employs a soft parameter-sharing mechanism to identify both short- and long-term degradation patterns. The continuously looped Q(V), T(V), dQdV, and dTdV are extracted to form a four-channel image, from which the RCN can automatically extract the features and the GRU can capture the temporal features. By designing a soft parameter-sharing mechanism, the model can seamlessly predict the capacity and remaining useful life (RUL) on a dual time scale. The proposed method is validated on a large MIT-Stanford dataset comprising 124 cells, showing a high accuracy in terms of mean absolute errors of 0.00477 for capacity and 83 for RUL. Furthermore, studying the partial voltage fragment reveals the promising performance of the proposed method across various voltage ranges. Specifically, in the partial voltage segment of 2.8-3.2 V, root mean square errors of 0.0107 for capacity and 140 for RUL are achieved.



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Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Pages 1-11
Cite this article:
Wang L, Zheng K, Li Y, et al. A Multitime-scale Deep Learning Model for Lithium-ion Battery Health Assessment Using Soft Parameter-sharing Mechanism. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2024, 10(3): 1-11.












Received: 04 May 2024
Revised: 15 June 2024
Accepted: 25 June 2024
Published: 11 July 2024
© 2024 China Machinery Industry Information Institute