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A review on simulation models of cascading failures in power systems

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
Computational Sciences & Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
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Among various power system disturbances, cascading failures are considered the most serious and extreme threats to grid operations, potentially leading to significant stability issues or even widespread power blackouts. Simulating power systems’ behaviors during cascading failures is of great importance to comprehend how failures originate and propagate, as well as to develop effective preventive and mitigative control strategies. The intricate mechanism of cascading failures, characterized by multi-timescale dynamics, presents exceptional challenges for their simulations. This paper provides a comprehensive review of simulation models for cascading failures, providing a systematic categorization and a comparison of these models. The challenges and potential research directions for the future are also discussed.


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Pages 284-296
Cite this article:
Guo Z, Sun K, Su X, et al. A review on simulation models of cascading failures in power systems. iEnergy, 2023, 2(4): 284-296.










Received: 05 October 2023
Revised: 09 December 2023
Accepted: 15 December 2023
Published: 29 December 2023
© The author(s) 2023.

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