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A Systematic Review Towards Big Data Analytics in Social Media

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA
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The recent advancement in internet 2.0 creates a scope to connect people worldwide using society 2.0 and web 2.0 technologies. This new era allows the consumer to directly connect with other individuals, business corporations, and the government. People are open to sharing opinions, views, and ideas on any topic in different formats out loud. This creates the opportunity to make the "Big Social Data" handy by implementing machine learning approaches and social data analytics. This study offers an overview of recent works in social media, data science, and machine learning to gain a wide perspective on social media big data analytics. We explain why social media data are significant elements of the improved data-driven decision-making process. We propose and build the "Sunflower Model of Big Data" to define big data and bring it up to date with technology by combining 5 V’s and 10 Bigs. We discover the top ten social data analytics to work in the domain of social media platforms. A comprehensive list of relevant statistical/machine learning methods to implement each of these big data analytics is discussed in this work. "Text Analytics" is the most used analytics in social data analysis to date. We create a taxonomy on social media analytics to meet the need and provide a clear understanding. Tools, techniques, and supporting data type are also discussed in this research work. As a result, researchers will have an easier time deciding which social data analytics would best suit their needs.


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Big Data Mining and Analytics
Pages 228-244
Cite this article:
Rahman MS, Reza H. A Systematic Review Towards Big Data Analytics in Social Media. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 2022, 5(3): 228-244. https://doi.org/10.26599/BDMA.2022.9020009
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