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Bulk nanoporous platinum for electrochemical actuation

Haonan Sun1Yizhou Huang1Shan Shi1,2()
Research Group of Integrated Metallic Nanomaterials Systems, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
Institute of Materials Mechanics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
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Bulk nanoporous platinum (np-Pt) samples with a remarkably fine ligament size down to 2 nm and good mechanical robustness were fabricated for the first time by electrochemically dealloying Pt15Cu85 master alloy in 1 mol L−1 H2SO4 at 60 ℃. The as-prepared np-Pt shows an electrochemically active specific surface area as high as 25 m2/g due to the ultrafine nanostructure. The active surface area remains almost invariable even after 15% macroscopic compressive strain. Furthermore, np-Pt shows considerably high thermal stability due to the low surface diffusivity of Pt. Np-Pt is a promising surface- or interface-controlled functional material, particularly when excellent electrochemical and mechanical performance are necessary due to its high surface-to-volume ratio and mechanical robustness. This work demonstrated the potential application of np-Pt as an electrochemical actuation material. In-situ dilatometry experiments revealed that the surface adsorption–desorption of OH species on np-Pt causes significant strain variations. The proposed np-Pt electrochemical actuator shows an operating voltage down to 1.0 V, a large reversible strain amplitude of 0.37%, and a strain energy density of 1.64 MJ/m³.



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Energy Materials and Devices
Article number: 9370006
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Sun H, Huang Y, Shi S. Bulk nanoporous platinum for electrochemical actuation. Energy Materials and Devices, 2023, 1(1): 9370006. https://doi.org/10.26599/EMD.2023.9370006
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