With the advancement of surface technology, boundary slip in lubrication has become increasingly common. However, theoretical analysis in this area remains limited, necessitating further research to explore the impact of boundary slip, particularly thermal slip induced by velocity slip in cases with obvious thermal rise. Additionally, investigating the influence of surface limiting shearing stress on boundary slip is a valuable area of study. This research extends the simple sliding finite line contact thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) model by incorporating velocity slip and thermal slip at boundaries. Firstly, linear slip is examined in three different conditions, and the impact of boundary slip on the lubrication state is analyzed. Building upon this, the study considers the effect of limiting shearing stress on boundary slip and develops a nonlinear slip model. The study conducts a thorough analysis of the influence of limiting shearing stress on the lubrication state in the contact area and reveals that friction reduction can be attained by introducing slip between the static surface and the lubricant. By investigating the impact of boundary slip and limiting shearing stress on thermal EHL under simple sliding conditions, this research puts forward a novel friction reduction approach based on the theory of boundary slip.
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