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Review Article | Open Access

The immunomodulatory effect of milk-derived bioactive peptides on food allergy: a review

Fen Xie1,2Huming Shao1,2Jinyan Gao1,2,3Xuanyi Meng1,3,4Yong Wu1,3,4Hongbing Chen1,3,4Xin Li1,2,3( )
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China
School of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China
Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Allergy, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China
Sino-German Joint Research Institute, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China
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Bioactive peptides (BPs) not only have nutritional value, but also have a wide range of biological activities, such as opioid activity, antibacterial activity, antioxidant properties and immunomodulatory which were associated with potential health benefits. Milk-derived BPs are the most researched, deepest and most widely used food-derived BPs. Milk-derived BPs perform an increasingly important role in regulating inflammatory balance in food allergy (FA) due to the immunomodulatory effect. This review outlines its immunomodulatory role in FA around cytokine level and gut regulation, and also emphasizes the production methods and current market applications of milk-derived BPs.



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Food Science of Animal Products
Article number: 9240018
Cite this article:
Xie F, Shao H, Gao J, et al. The immunomodulatory effect of milk-derived bioactive peptides on food allergy: a review. Food Science of Animal Products, 2023, 1(2): 9240018.








Received: 03 May 2023
Revised: 12 June 2023
Accepted: 13 June 2023
Published: 17 July 2023
© Beijing Academy of Food Sciences 2023.

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