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Application of Rosa roxburghii Tratt. extraction in improving gel properties and flavour of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) surimi

Jixiang Zhang1,§Lin Yu1,§Xinyang Li1Feifan Wu1Taiyu Li1Chenyang Zhao1Islam Shafiul1Xiaoguo Ying1()Shanggui Deng1Charles Brennan2Soottawat Benjakul3Zhengxuan Qin4Lukai Ma5()
Key Laboratory of Health Risk Factors for Seafood of Zhejiang Province, Food and Pharmacy College, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, China
School of Science, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Melbourne 2474, Australia
International Center of Excellence in Seafood Science and Innovation, Faculty of Agro-industry, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, Thailand
Oceanside (Zhoushan) Premium Products Co., Zhoushan 316022, China
Key Laboratory of Green Processing and Intelligent Manufacturing of Lingnan Specialty Food, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Lingnan Specialty Food Science and Technology, College of Food Science and Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225 China

§These authors contributed equally to this article.

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The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of a natural additive Rosa roxburghii Tratt. extraction (RRTE) on the gel properties and flavour of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) surimi gels. The effects of different additive concentrations of RRTE on the flavour improvement of hairtail surimi gels were systematically investigated by combining the electronic nose and sensory evaluation techniques. The results showed that the addition of RRTE, especially 2% (m/m) RRTE, could effectively improve the odour score; enhanced the gel strength, water-holding capacity and rheological properties; improved the elasticity, hardness and viscoelasticity of the hairtail surimi gels. The results of water migration and protein secondary structure analysis showed that RRTE could effectively stabilise the internal water distribution of hairtail surimi gels and inhibit protein denaturation. Microstructural observation showed that the gel structure of hairtail surimi in the RRTE added group was more uniform and dense, and the fractal dimension was reduced. The comprehensive results showed that RRTE, as a natural additive, could significantly improve the gel properties and flavour of hairtail surimi gels, providing a scientific basis for the high value-added processing of hairtail surimi products.



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Food Science of Animal Products
Article number: 9240101
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Zhang J, Yu L, Li X, et al. Application of Rosa roxburghii Tratt. extraction in improving gel properties and flavour of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) surimi. Food Science of Animal Products, 2025, 3(1): 9240101. https://doi.org/10.26599/FSAP.2025.9240101
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