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Preparation, characterization and antioxidant activity analysis of three Maillard glycosylated bone collagen hydrolysates from chicken, porcine and bovine

Liwei Qia,Hongru Zhanga,bYujie Guoa( )Hong LiuaChunhui Zhanga( )
Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
Laboratory of Biomass and Green Technologies, University of Liege-Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Passage des déportés 2, Gembloux B-5030, Belgium

Peer review under responsibility of Tsinghua University Press.

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• Three glycosylated hydrolysates were prepared and characterized.

• The potential toxicity of glycosylated hydrolysates was evaluated.

• Antioxidant activity of glycosylated hydrolysates was compared.

• The reasons for differences in antioxidant capacity were analyzed.

Graphical Abstract


Bone collagen hydrolysates (peptides) derived from byproduct of animal product processing have been used to produce commercially valuable products due to their potential antioxidant activity. Maillard glycosylated reaction is considered as a promising method to enhance the antioxidant activity of peptides. Hence, this research aims at investigating the Maillard glycosylation activity and antioxidant activity of bone collagen hydrolysates from different sources. In this study, 3 glycosylated bone collagen hydrolysates were prepared and characterized, and cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity were analyzed and evaluated. The free amino groups loss, browning intensity, and fluorescence intensity of G-Cbcp (glycosylated chicken bone collagen hydrolysates (peptides)) were the heaviest, followed by G-Pbcp (glycosylated porcine bone collagen hydrolysates (peptides)) and G-Bbcp (glycosylated bovine bone collagen hydrolysates (peptides)). The results of amino acid analysis showed that amino acid composition of different bone collagen hydrolysates was significantly different and the amino acid decreased to different degrees after Maillard glycosylated reaction, which may lead to differences in Maillard glycosylated reaction activity. Furthermore, the 3 glycosylated hydrolysates showed no significant cytotoxicity. The results showed that glycosylation process significantly increased the antioxidant activity of bone collagen hydrolysates, and G-Cbcp showed the strongest antioxidant activity, followed by G-Pbcp and G-Bbcp. Therefore, compared with the bone collagen hydrolysates, 3 glycosylated hydrolysates showed significant characteristic and structural changes, and higher antioxidant activity.



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Food Science and Human Wellness
Pages 2002-2013
Cite this article:
Qi L, Zhang H, Guo Y, et al. Preparation, characterization and antioxidant activity analysis of three Maillard glycosylated bone collagen hydrolysates from chicken, porcine and bovine. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2024, 13(4): 2002-2013.








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Received: 08 October 2022
Revised: 01 November 2022
Accepted: 11 January 2023
Published: 20 May 2024
© 2024 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Publishing services by Tsinghua University Press.

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