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Nutritional and therapeutic benefits of coconut milk and its potential as a plant-based functional yogurt alternative: a review

Gengghatarani GenganaZaini Nurul Solehah MohdaNazamid SaariaHussin Anis Shobirin MeoraAhmad Haniff JaafaraHanan HasanaElicia Jitming LimbQadr Imad Wan-Mohtar Wan Abd AlcMuhamad Hafiz Abd Rahima()
Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, The University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
Functional Omics and Bioprocess Development Laboratory, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia

Peer review under responsibility of Beijing Academy of Food Sciences.

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Plant-based milks are on the rise due to an increased awareness of their sustainability and health benefits. Currently, dairy milk is the most nutritionally complete beverage, but it suffers from the presence of indigestible lactose and allergenic proteins. Coconut milk has been around for a long time, but its application is limited due to a perceived lack of specific nutrients, high saturated fat levels, and low acceptability. Recent evidence indicates, however, that the saturated fat and other plant-based components found in coconut milk are good for metabolic outcomes and brain health. The conversion of coconut milk to yoghurt will further improve its functionality by boosting its existing nutritional qualities. In this article, the nutritional value of coconut milk, as well as its potential downsides, its application as yoghurt, and suggestions for enhancing its nutritional functionality will be examined.



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Food Science and Human Wellness
Article number: 9250004
Cite this article:
Gengan G, Mohd ZNS, Saari N, et al. Nutritional and therapeutic benefits of coconut milk and its potential as a plant-based functional yogurt alternative: a review. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2025, 14(1): 9250004. https://doi.org/10.26599/FSHW.2024.9250004
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