Efficient and environmentally friendly production of high-quality continuous fiber coatings using current preparation methods is highly challenging due to issues such as scale and batch processing restrictions, low deposition rate, high energy consumption, and utilization of multiple environmentally hazardous steps. To address these challenges, we propose a stable and efficient wet chemical deposition coating method for high-throughput online continuous preparation of boron nitride (BN) coatings on ceramic fibers under an ambient environment. Our process involves surface modification, in-situ wet chemical deposition, and heat treatment, and all seamlessly connecting with the ceramic fiber preparation process through continuous stretching. Hydrophilic groups were introduced via surface modification enhancing wettability of the fiber surface with impregnating solution. An in-situ reaction and atom migration improve uniformity and binding of the coating. As a result, outstanding impregnation and adhesion properties are achieved. A comprehensive analysis to evaluate the impact of the BN coatings was conducted, which demonstrates that the BN-coated fibers exhibit a remarkable 36% increase in tensile strength, a 133% increase in fracture toughness, and enhanced temperature resistance of up to 1600 ℃. It provides a secure and efficient platform for cost-effective production of functional and high-quality coatings through targeted surface modification and rapid stretching impregnation.
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