Triboelectrification, a process that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy through friction, holds promise for eco-friendly wastewater treatment. This study delves into the enhancement of tribocatalytic dye degradation using SrTiO3, a material notable for its non-piezoelectric and centrosymmetric properties. The synthesis of uni- and bi-doped SrTiO3 particles, achieved through a solid-state reaction at 1000 °C, results in a high-purity cubic perovskite structure. Doping with rhodium (Rh) and carbon (C) causes crystal lattice contraction, internal stress, and significant oxygen vacancies. These changes notably improve tribocatalytic efficiency under solar irradiation, with Rh-doped SrTiO3 demonstrating an impressive degradation rate of approximately 88% for Rhodamine B (RhB), along with reaction rate constants near 0.9 h−1 at 554 nm and a noticeable blueshift. This study highlights that defects introduced by doping are integral to this process, boosting catalytic activity through energy state modification and enhancing surface redox radical production. Additionally, these defects are instrumental in generating a flexoelectric field, which markedly influences the separation of electron–hole pairs under solar irradiation. Our findings illuminate the complex interplay between material composition, defect states, and environmental conditions, paving the way for advanced strategies in environmental remediation through optimized tribocatalytic activity.
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