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The unique multilayer, multiscale structure of teakwood results in excellent mechanical and long-term environmental stability, providing inspiration for the biomimetic design of environmental barrier coating (EBC) structures. However, achieving the desired biomimetic structure control in high-temperature plasma spraying is a challenging task that requires new technological breakthroughs. In this study, a multiscale nano Yb2Si2O7–Yb2SiO5 (YbDS–YbMS) composite EBC with a teakwood-like lamellar structure was realized via a novel alternating vapor/liquid phase deposition method involving plasma spraying-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD). Volatilized waste SiO2 from Yb2Si2O7 (YbDS) was reused and deposited on the coating surface during the spraying process, where a regularly arranged multilayer structure was formed in the coating by the alternate deposition of gaseous SiO2 and droplet YbDS. In addition, SiO2 on the coated surface formed nanoclusters and dome-shaped nanocrystals via homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, respectively, and some of them gradually formed a continuous nanofilm as the arc current increased. The deposited SiO2 reacted in situ with the decomposed phase YbMS in the coating to form YbDS, preserving its multiscale nanostructure after heat treatment and enabling the preparation of the YbDS–YbMS composite coating. This work provides a new design strategy and method for the preparation of coatings using YbDS and other spray powders with similar decomposition and volatilization characteristics during the plasma spraying process.
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