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The Impact of Human Activities on CO2 Intake by Carbonate Weathering: A Case Study of Conglin Karst Ridge-trough at Fuling Town, Chongqing, China

Chang-li LIU( )Chao SONGHong-bing HOUXiu-yan WANGYun ZHANGJun-kun WANGJian-mei JIANGLi-xin PEIBo SONG
The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science Shijiazhuang City, China
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The chemical weathering can consume atmosphere/soil CO2. Human activities such as pollution, fertilization and acid precipitation have exerted a large impact on CO2 intake by carbonate weathering. Thus, based on the analysis on chemical component change of the karst groundwater in the karst ridge watershed of Conglin Village, Fuling District of Chongqing City, the influence of human activities such as fertilization, sewage discharges from mustard tuber processing, breeding industry and acid rain precipitation on carbonate weathering and CO2 intake in 1980, 2003 and 2006 was studied. The results showed that CO2 intake by carbonate rock declined with year. Because H+ derived from acid sewage discharge, fertilization and acid precipitation reacted with carbonate rock when mustard tuber production and swine breeding were developed fleetly after 2000 as well as the burning amount of high-sulfur coal augmented persistently, which led to the increase of (Ca2++Mg2+)/HCO3-. The difference on charge between Ca2++Mg2+ and HCO3- was balanced by NO3-+SO42-. The control on pollution and acid rain, especially the pre-neutralization of acid waste water, would rejuvenate the atmospheric CO2 intake strength of carbonate weathering besides the protection of water and soil environment.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 29-38
Cite this article:
LIU C-l, SONG C, HOU H-b, et al. The Impact of Human Activities on CO2 Intake by Carbonate Weathering: A Case Study of Conglin Karst Ridge-trough at Fuling Town, Chongqing, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2014, 2(1): 29-38.








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Published: 28 March 2014
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